Donnerstag, 20. März 2008
Das Leben ist zu langsam...
Gerard Butler dafür um so sexyier!

ohhh yeah!

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Mittwoch, 19. März 2008
Und täglich grüsst das Murmeltier..
Es ist wieder Mittwoch ... und es ist immer noch nicht bessere Stimmung .. bei niemandem .. Oh du doofe Welt!! ;)

Und da es bei allen dasselbe Virus ist .. hier mal eine kleine Anleitung wie du es umgehst:

ACHTUNG: Es kursiert ein neues Virus namens "Arbeit"!
Wenn du irgendwie "Arbeit" bekommst, entweder als E-Mail, übers Internet oder auch einfach nur durch einen Kollegen... NICHT ANNEHMEN!!! Diese Bedrohung schleicht jetzt schon seit Wochen um unsere Firma und alle, die ihr erlegen sind und "Arbeit" angenommen haben oder auch nur einfach mal reingeguckt haben, mussten feststellen, dass ihr Sozialleben gelöscht wurde und ihr Hirn aufhörte, richtig zu funktionieren.

Wenn du "Arbeit" in der E-Mail entdeckst oder einfach nur mit irgendwelcher "Arbeit" konfrontiert wirst, so sende sofort, um den Virus zu bekämpfen, eine E-Mail an deinen Chef (oder im Notfall, wenn du selbst der Boss bist, an deine Frau/deinen Mann) mit dem Text: "Ich habe die Schnauze voll - bin fort in die Kneipe!" Dein Hirn sollte "Arbeit" automatisch vergessen.

Wenn du "Arbeit" in Papierform empfängst, so hebe das Dokument leicht an und befördere die "Arbeit" in deinen Papierkorb (Mac User: Trashcan). Nimm deinen Hut, Mantel, zwei Freunde und gehe. Nachdem du diese Prozedur 9 Mal wiederholt hast, wirst du feststellen, dass "Arbeit" für dich nicht mehr relevant ist.


also ... haltet duch, die Osterferien sind nah!! Und nächste Woche gehen wir ja essen :))

Lookin' forward to it!

with love,

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Mittwoch, 12. März 2008
Es ist Mittwoch..
.. und irgendwie ist das immer noch nicht besser als Dienstag! Naja.. ich befürchte diese Woche wird nicht mehr besser ;)

Da wir aber trotzdem was zum lachen haben müssen hier eine weitere kleine Episode unseres bösen kleinen Operators:


The Bastard Operator from Hell #3

So I'm working so hard I barely have time to drive into town and watch a movie before I told people their printing will be ready. The queue's WAAAAAY too long to have everything printed (and sorted) by the time I told them, so I kill all the small jobs so there's only 2 left and I can sort them in no time.

Then, after the movie, (which was one of those slack Bertolucci ones that takes about 3 hours till the main character is killed off in a visionary experience) I get back and clear the printouts.

There's about 50 people waiting outside and I've got two printouts. That's about average for me. I thought I'd killed more tho. Anyway, I put out the printouts and walk slooowly inside, fingering the clipboard with "ACCOUNTS TO REMOVE" in big letters on the back. No-one says anything. As usual.

. . .

I'm sitting back in the Operations Armchair, watching the computer room closed circuit TV, which just happens to be connected to the frame-grabber's Video player (sent off for repair, due back sometime in '97) when the phone rings. That must be the 2nd time today, and it's really starting to get to me!

"Yes?" I say, pausing the picture.

"I seem to have accidentally deleted my C.V!" the voice at the other end of the line says.

"You have? What was your username?"

He tells me. What the hell, I AM bored.

"Ah no, you didn't delete it - I did."


"I deleted it. It was full of shit! You didn't ever get more than a B- in any of your subjects!"


"And that crap about being a foreign exchange student, that was your girlfriend and we both know it!"


"Your academic records. I checked them, you were lying.. Besides which, you forgot to include your criminal record.."

"How did y.." He clicks. "It's you isn't it? THE BASTARD OPERATOR FROM HELL!"

"In the flesh, on the phone and in your account.... You shouldn't have called you know. You especially shouldn't have given me your username.." >clickety< >click< "Neither should you have sent that mail to the System Manager telling him what you think of him in such graphic terms..."

"I didn't send any.."

>clickety< >click<......

"No, you didn't did you? But who can tell these days? Not to worry though, It'll all be over VERY soon.." >clickedy clikc< "..change my username back, and..."

"b-b-b.." he blubs, like a stood-up date

"Goodbye now" I say pleasantly, "you've got bags to pack and a life to start over..."

I hang up.

Two seconds later the red phone goes. I pick it up, it's the boss. He mumbles the username of the person I was just talking to, mentions something about a nasty mail message, and utters the words "You know what to do...", with the dots and everything.

Later, inside the Municipal Energy Authority Computer, as I'm modifying the poor pleb's Energy Bill by several zeros, I can't help but think about what lapse of judgement - what act of heinous stupidity - causes them to call. Then, even later, when I'm adding the poor pleb's photo image over the top of the FBI's online "MOST Wanted Armed and Dangerous, SHOOT ON SIGHT" offenders list, I realise I'll probably never know; but then life goes on.

A couple of hours later, as I see the SWAT vehicle roll up outside the poor pleb's apartment I realise that for some, it just doesn't.

But tommorrow is another day.


muahahahahaha... ;)

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